Last Meeting of the Beatitudes Series:
December zoom series with Paul Weiss Thursday evenings, 7:00 – 8:00, beginning December 2. The Beatitudes, delivered by Jesus as part of the Sermon on the Mount, may at times strike us as "nice" and somewhat vague generalities. In fact, when examined carefully, drawing on the layers of meaning found in the original Aramaic language, they reveal the profound and intimate psychological and emotional wisdom underlying the path to wholeness laid out in Jesus' teachings. Jesus reaches into the heart of our vulnerability and speaks to the heart of our aspiration. Over the course of several weeks we will explore the Beatitudes, one by one, and see what they say to us personally about the re- covery of our spiritual and emotional wholeness, our integrity, and our reciprocity. We will also take some time for "breakout rooms," in which we can share together, in dyad or small group, whatever personal insights or meanings we may be taking from each beatitude.