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Meditation Lab

  • The Whole Health Center 162 Gilbert Farm Road Bar Harbor, ME, 04609 United States (map)

 Attunement and Intimacy, Our Saturday Morning Meditation Lab continues this winter at 8am on zoom.

with Paul Weiss.

Curious about Meditation Lab? Find a recording here.

Our Saturday Morning series begins on Zoom on January 8 at 8am  

Attunement is a faculty of the brain-body very different from that of the thinking mind.  While the mind routinely projects and processes a world of separation, relativity, and judgment, attunement unifies our awareness and allows intimacy with experience.

Attunement is also related to the faculty of interoception – our ability to "attune" or "listen"  inwardly into our own bodies, into our own feelings and feeling states, or into the "essence" of this moment's experience.  A natural capacity from which we are often distracted, this faculty is also essential to the depth and intimacy of our meditation and contemplation.  Attunement is also essential to our capacity for emotional self-healing and, attuning outward, to the intimacy of our relationships.  This echos our much stated concern for the conjoined development of both our integrity and our reciprocity.

At the first level of attunement, we are learning to tune our attention into this moment of pure experience without other mental distraction.  Second, as we learn to hold and rest in that attunement, the heart and the body also come into coherence with that attunement – allowing for the rise of a more unified, and even infinite, field of experience.

Through this winter we will take our time together, using a variety of meditations and foundation exercises, to practice, deepen, and support our faculties of interoception and attunement.  We will fine tune our capacity for interoception as a tool for cutting through the obstacles to meditation and for enhancing our capacity for healing.  And for the greater integration of breath, body, mind, energy, and heart as a gateway to our infinite being.

As always, the Saturday Meditation Lab is intended to offer key instruction,

encouragement, and support to cultivating, deepening, and expanding your relationship to meditation – whether you are beginning or experienced.

This class is open to all unconditionally, though donations are needed and welcome.

 You may join as a regular WHC member, or otherwise join weekly,

bookmarking a direct link to the class page on our website.

For questions: 207-288-4128 or

The Whole Health

Paul Weiss began his own zen practice in 1966, and has been teaching and leading retreats through The Whole Health Center since 1981.

January 19

The Blessing Way

January 23

SOUNDheart Zoom Lunches