Sherene Cauley

With Love, Love

I spent those early years trying to show you, 

tell you, 

be heard. 

When I realized you were not going to hear me 

I spent generations fighting to forge the way. 

There were centuries when I 





so maybe you would just agree to come along. 

Still, you would not look at me, 

you could not see what I really am. 

But, I am patient. 

I studied 

and formed eloquent arguments. 

All along, the one thing you most feared about me was



thing humanity just could 




Despite the fear you planted in their minds, 

I lived in their hearts, in their souls. 

In their Womb.

Where you feared differences, 

I sowed wonderment and connection. 

And remember, I am patient. 

I took the children by the hand. 

I sheltered their hearts. 

Then I flickered in those hearts as they



I whispered to those who might listen. 

I listened to them, and so they listened to me. 

I went to the future and today I call to you having already won this war only you wanted. 

I don’t need you to listen anymore. 

I raised an entire generation by 

tending the 

small roots for centuries 

while you were busy looking so hard in the other direction. 

All you need to change the future is the strength

and patience 

it takes to raise a child well. 

They are the future. 

With Love,
